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Is your business stuck in a bit of a rut? Do you feel like people are passing you by for your competition? 

Sometimes, the best way to revamp your business and bring in new customers is to invest in a new logo design. Keep reading to figure out if that’s what your business needs.


1. Does My Logo Work for Modern Platforms?

If you have an old logo that was designed before the advent of the internet and social media, it might not transfer well over to these platforms. Remember, what looks good on paper won’t necessarily look good on a website or mobile app. 

2. Does It Represent My Current Business?

Has your business evolved at all since you first started it? If so, does your logo still represent your company? Or, have you moved on from or built upon your original purpose?

If your logo doesn’t fully encompass your business’s products and services, it might be time to think about rebranding. 

3. Did a Professional Design It?

It’s common for entrepreneurs to enlist the help of a friend or family member to design their logo when they’re first getting started. This can be a smart financial move. But, it also might mean your logo is not as eye-catching as it could be. 

If your original logo was not designed by a professional and you’re in a better place financially, consider hiring a graphic designer to take it to the next level. 

4. How Does It Measure Up to My Competition?

It’s always important to look at what your competition is doing, especially when it comes to logo design.

Most potential customers base their opinion about a company off of their logo and branding skills. If your logo isn’t up to par, people will likely bypass your business for another one that has a better look. 

One good way to see how your logo measures up is to compare social media followings. If your competition has more fans and followers, a new logo design might help you expand your reach and bring in new customers. 

5. Is It Too Complex? 

When it comes to marketing, brand recognition is everything. If your logo is too complex, it might be harder for people to recognize it.

Simplicity is more important than ever now that so many people visit websites from mobile devices. In addition to being easier to recognize, a simple, flat design for your logo will transfer more easily across multiple platforms.  

If your logo features outdated design trends like gradients, drop shadows or too many colors, it might be time for an upgrade. Stick to three colors or less, and go for a simple design that is easily recognizable. 

Do You Need a New Logo?

Now that you’ve asked yourself the above questions, do you think it’s time to upgrade your logo?

If so, we can help. Contact us at Swebify or get a free quote

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