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Getting traffic to your site doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. However, this is not always the case and most website marketers work hard to get visitors to their sites only for these visitors to stay on the site for few minutes, then leave without ever coming back for more content. This is where lead magnet strategy comes into play. It helps digital marketers capture personal information from customer avatars and build mailing lists.

Using lead magnets is also the perfect strategy to keep users interested in your site, increase the number of subscribers to your site and gain personal information such as emails from clients. The strategy has been an essential marketing tool for advertisers for decades and has consistently delivered good results.

What is a lead magnet?

Lead magnet strategy uses incentives such as free downloadable digital content in exchange for website visitors’ emails. The strategy involves asking visitors to give out their emails in exchange for free products such as ebooks, tutorials and newsletters that can add value.

A good magnet should be specific and easy to follow for website visitors. It should also address a real-world problem and offer high value to visitors for them to give out their email address. It should also follow a proven strategy to generate leads. Below are the 10 best lead magnet strategies that can help you build a robust mailing list:


  1. Discounts and free shipping

    Offering discounts to visitors is a great way to motivate your customer avatars to sign up to your site. To sweeten the deal and make your lead magnet more effective, consider offering an early bird discount, where the fastest subscribers to your mailing list will be prioritized when giving out discounts.

    An effective discount lead magnet campaign should be well throughout, logical and well written. Discount offers can sometimes sound scammy, hence becoming a big turnoff to your potential leads and customers.


  2. Free shipping

    Offering free shipping for clients who have registered to your mailing list is also a great way to grow your mailing list. The incentive to have their prices reduced if they make a purchase motivates them to subscribe to your mailing list.


  3. EBooks

    Offering Ebooks to clients is a tested strategy to increase the audience to your mailing list. For an effective lead magnet campaign, ensure that your eBooks are relevant to what your website offers and users can benefit from reading your eBook.

    EBooks can also help your site grow traffic by incorporating articles from your sites as links. You can also use eBooks to offer more information about your products, which can also help increase your sales.


  4. Guide

    Guides are almost similar to eBooks in terms of length and what they try to achieve. However, the content of a guide is different because it is centered on how to execute strategies. Guides give a step by step tutorial about how a certain goal can be achieved by giving a vivid description of what needs to be done and steps readers should take to achieve this goal. Guides are an effective way of growing mailing lists because they are popular with internet users.


  5. Infographics

    Infographics are gaining popularity with internet users, and many people now prefer to use infographics to explain complex data. This is because infographics use imageries, charts and minimal text that are easy to understand and give an overview of a complex topic.

    Marketers using infographics in their lead magnet strategy report to build emailing list because of their effectiveness in capturing audience attention.


  6. Webinars

    Webinars are live lessons that marketers are now using to build their mailing list. The best part about webinars is that most clients sign-up for webinars in fear of missing out on a topic. In fact, most marketers are turning to webinars due to its effectiveness in capturing audiences from their niches that other lead magnet strategies struggle.


  7. Email courses

    Email courses are not fancy or hard to implement for marketers looking to grow their mailing lists. In fact, they are easy to write and take the format of a blog. However, these courses/blogposts are only made available to visitors who share their emails with you.

    Email courses can be strategically used by marketers to market products and turn leads into prospective customers. Subscribers of email courses are also more likely to open your email and read it, making them more effective in relaying information about products being offered.


  8. Samples and free trials

    Giving samples of what you are offering is a great way of building rapport with your potential clients. It also allows them to get the feel of what you are offering and also gets clients to review your products positively.

    Free samples and free trials can be in the form of digital content or pieces of software or SaaS platforms that offer users a free period to evaluate a product before committing to buying.


  9. Newsletters

    Newsletters are also an effective lead magnet strategy and involve asking your visitors for their emails and promising updates on your products and content through the emails. The newsletter is a strategy used by marketers to communicate with their subscribers regularly.


  10. Membership site with free registration

    Running a membership site with free registration is also an effective way to grow your mailing list. Most clients are unwilling to part with their email and money the first time. Therefore, lead marketers offer them the ability to sign-up for the membership program, where they are not able to access the premium products.

    Later, marketers are able to use their emails and remind them that they have not yet paid for the services. Reminding clients through the mail can lead to subscriptions of the membership sites, and also, every mailing list member is a future potential client.